OpenSauced in the Community

OpenSauced in the Community

One of our favorite parts of being in open source is the community! And we're always trying to find new ways to talk to folks in open source and to make new friends. Grab a slice and check out what we have going on πŸ•

🚨 New Series Alert

🌟 New Maintainers Announcement

Here's a huge shoutout to our new community maintainers, @Ayu and @CBID2, who are supporting three of our repositories: intro, guestbook, and pizza-verse. We'd love it if you'd show your support and give them a follow.

OpenSauced in the Community

πŸ“£ Our first Product Hunt Launch is this Wednesday! Make sure you follow @bdougieyo on Product Hunt to get the announcement when we go live.

πŸŽƒ We're in full-swing Hacktoberfest mode. Check out some of the things we're working on.

🎀 Every Tuesday we have a Twitter/X space at 10:30a ET | 7:30a ET

πŸ“† Every Tuesday at 12p ET | 9a PT we have open office hours in Discord.

πŸ–₯️ On October 11, at 12p ET| 9a PT We’ll be doing a Hacktoberfest check-in, giving shout-outs to OpenSauced contributors, and discussing some issues available to be worked on for OpenSauced. Set your reminder.

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