The Secret Ingredient in Your Tech Stack: People

The Secret Ingredient in Your Tech Stack: People

Behind every line of code is something that goes beyond bits and bytes: human curiosity and ingenuity. And at OpenSauced, we've been busy working on more ways to put the people at the center of the story.

The Human Dependency Graph: A New Perspective on Software Security

Imagine you're about to deploy a critical update to your app. You've checked your dependencies, run your tests, and everything looks good. But have you considered the human factor?

"How many humans could screw up my dependency graph?"
Jordan Harband on DevTools FM

This isn't just about counting packages anymore. It's about understanding the web of human relationships that your code depends on. Who are the maintainers behind your critical libraries? Are they supported? Burnt out? One cup of spilled coffee away from introducing a bug that could crash your entire system?

Here's where it gets even more interesting: every GitHub repository is more than just code - it's a goldmine of human knowledge.

GitHub Repositories: From Code Storage to Knowledge Goldmines

Every GitHub repository is more than just code; it’s an incredible resource of human knowledge:

Late-night discussions in issue threads
Pull request debates
Commit messages telling the story of every solved problem

At OpenSauced, we're not just looking at repositories as code storage. We're seeing them as contextual datasets that could change how AI assists developers. Imagine an AI that understands your project’s history, your team’s expertise, and can make suggestions based on collective intelligence—not just code.

Climbing the "Second Mountain" of Open Source

This shift in perspective is what David Brooks might call climbing the "Second Mountain" of open source. It's about moving beyond personal achievement - the stars, the followers, the impressive GitHub profile - to a deeper commitment to the community. It's about connection, shared purpose, and building the kind of trust that turns good projects into great ones.

And that's where our latest tool comes in. On Monday, we're officially launching our pizza-cli codeowners command – but you can test it out today and see how it:

• Identifies human experts behind your code
• Ensures the right people are notified for reviews
• Improves project management and knowledge sharing

By automatically generating and managing granular CODEOWNERS files, it helps you identify the human experts behind different parts of your codebase, ensures the right people are notified for code reviews, and facilitates better project management and knowledge sharing.

Here's the secret sauce: by making the human element of your codebase more visible and manageable, we're not just improving code quality. We're developing a more connected, trustworthy, and effective team experience.

Are you ready to add a human touch to your dependency graph? Try out our new pizza-cli codeowners command.

Stay Saucy!

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